
Dev Plays Minetest by rubenwardy Mods I use on my personal survival server, as seen in the Dev Plays Minetest livestream series Essentials by AntumDeluge Mods that could be considered universally important for most games. Favorites by AntumDeluge My favorites Favorites by manulopezw My favorites Favorites by X-DE My favorites Minetest+ by X-DE It makes Minetest have more content and encourages the player to constantly gather food and create tools to attack hunger and monsters. incomplete Minetest mod base mods by NameNotQuality I would guess this is the most created collection ever. Note: I'm lazy and forgetting so this may not always highlight all of the mods I have, but the last comprehensive update was in june 13 2024. The GOAT video game by X-DE A video game with the same quantity and quality as a AAA video game. Tropical Islands by Neuromancer A set of mods to create interesting gameplay for a Tropical Islands environment