Replacer by Sokomine
Exchange/replace nodes with one click.
A collection by KatzEyez (aka LadyK)
These are some of my favorite mods
Exchange/replace nodes with one click.
Adds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Solid cubes of food for mass storage or building.
Areas is a advanced area protection mod based on node_ownership.
This is a port of thelowerroad for NodeCore that adds a long road from -Z to +Z to the world, during world-generation.
Adds doors for all kinds of wood.
Feature-filled home decor modpack.
Explore all 62 underground biomes!
Adds many plants and food to Minetest
Adds a series of multi-purpose tools to Minetest
Fruits on trees from various mods will regrow.
Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
Adds wooden and Iron scaffolding.