Procedural Furniture by the_raven_262
Creates furniture collections
A collection by KatzEyez (aka LadyK)
I haven't used or I have limited knowledge of these mods
Creates furniture collections
Adds various detailed furniture components, decorations and exterior stuff with various designs and styles of each epoch.
Feature-filled home decor modpack.
Nodes for pixelart grouped in color palettes
Lets you eat Horsetails from Paleotest. Very helpful in caves!!!
A Technic based machine for converting certain items into more compact forms
The Enchantment Extractor is a utility that separates enchantments from items, transferring them to books for storage or later application to other items.
Shared locked chests with bag support and quick inventory access
Adds a climbing pick which creates handholds in stone, desert stone, sandstones and ice nodes.
Gift boxes that players can give to other who will then receive random items
An efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
Adds randomly spawning loot crates.
Fruits on trees from various mods will regrow.
Teleport system, all inside a compass
Adds many new biomes, items and blocks.
DarkAge adds several new nodes and crafts to create a pre industrial landscape.
A Minetest mod for user-generated teleportation pads.