Unified Inventory by RealBadAngel
Replaces the default inventory and adds a number of features, such as a crafting guide
A collection by Lemente
Replaces the default inventory and adds a number of features, such as a crafting guide
Expands the hotbar to up to 32 slots
Undo and Redo executed WorldEdit chat commands
Displays the name of the node you're looking at & your rotation in your HUD. Banish the debug text forever!
Alternate worldedit frontend to build and run commands that is agnostic of inventory.
Extra tools and commands to extend WorldEdit. Currently has over 70 commands!
In-game world editor. Use it to repair griefing, or just create awesome buildings in seconds.
Paint anything! Graffiti for Luanti.
Not only wool! Miniaturizes builds and allows rebuilding them too
Allows you to put the selected node in an empty slot of your hotbar when you're in creative mode.
Prevents players from staying stuck inside nodes.
Design models for FDM 3D printing