Woolen Mesh Creator by entuland
Not only wool! Miniaturizes builds and allows rebuilding them too
A collection by Lemente
mods that would be useful for participatory Urban Planning workshops
Not only wool! Miniaturizes builds and allows rebuilding them too
shows a preview with orientation of the node the player is holding.
color picker for hexcol
Allows players to set displayed and queryable pronouns for themselves.
Become an Ant or a Giant! Exposes API
Teleport system, all inside a compass
Exchange/replace nodes with one click.
Makes satisfying particles when placing a node or punching one. (viewable by all players)
Expands the hotbar to up to 32 slots
Prevents players from staying stuck inside nodes.
Allows you to put the selected node in an empty slot of your hotbar when you're in creative mode.
Limit how long players are allowed to play
Provides mods with dynamic display and font display: clocks, signs, and more.
Two new signs: blue banner and billboard
Signs that allow unicode text
Adds signs fitting the advtrains theme
Road signs galore!
Framework that enables diverse governance processes
Early alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.