Sumo by MisterE
Sumo Minigame (Arena_lib)
A collection by MisterE
Minigames that use arena_lib
Sumo Minigame (Arena_lib)
Class-based fighting minigame. Choose your class, prepare your skills and defeat them all!
A simple minigame where the players need to jump on the correct platform to avoid to fall down
S4 League inspired shooter minigame
quikbild Minigame
Based on ExeVirus's Balloon Bash Ludum Dare submission, comes a minigame for Arena_lib all about Popping huge quantities of balloons and not letting them touch the ground.
Skywars is a PvP minigame where players battle each other on floating islands until there is only one survivor remaining.
Players compete to be the last one standing on a layer of falling TNT