Example Lua mapgen by ROllerozxa
A basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
A collection by NA0341
Administration, Automation, Maintenance, Enhanced Player Experience (chat, interaction, etc.).
A basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
Adds ranks, in chat and in nametag.
This mod adds a simple HTTP request device for digilines.
api for defining player status effects
api for specifying multiple dimensions to eating
an API for registering events which trigger when a player goes AFK or comes back from AFK.
Easily export areas in Luanti to meshes for 3D rendering.
Easy interface (GUI) for the areas/advanced_areas protection mod
Advanced tool for modders and advanced users to create and edit schematics.
Simple API to show messages to the center of the screen to players.
Ingame mail-system
Adds terraforming tools to your creative toolbox
Reject tradition, embrace modernity. For those tired of default MTG maps. Crafting recipes for TechAge hackers available.
Adds modern roads to Minetest.
Adds an encyclopedia item which allows you to access the help.
Assign temporary passwords to accounts
A library to generate ingame manuals based on markdown files.
A tool to remove any pointable node and reveal debug information
Displays some information in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Manage respawn points, interesting places, teleportation and death records
Build a street from given points
Generates a stone platform below the world origin or static spawn point.
Allows setting a configurable number of home points in a world.
Take your buildings with you on your journey.
Travelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
Adds experience, ranks, and doors only accessible to those above a certain rank. Not actually a redo of any mod.
Minecart, the lean railway transportation automation system
Cuts the world in half.
Mine the first tree node from a tree while the sneak key is pressed to start the woodcutting process.
Disables use of water and lava buckets within a designated area
Only hear chat from nearby players.