Islands by Termos
lua mapgen featuring tropical islands and vast ocean
A collection by Neuromancer
A set of mods to create interesting gameplay for a Tropical Islands environment
Note: The magma conduits mod needs to use the following settings: Minimum volcano peak elevation = 20 Region mapblocks =8 Probability of active volcano in region = 0.7
lua mapgen featuring tropical islands and vast ocean
adds water structures and coral reefs to the oceans of your world
adds mobs to the marinara oceans
Adds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
Adds various wild animals to your Minetest Game world.
Allows mobs to spawn in biomes that don't support them.
Pineapple crop for tropical biomes
Adds the possibility to build living Villages. Trade items for random stuff from your villagers, recruit mounts and warriors.
Adds villages of native people to the world.
Adds a fishing rod
Removes default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
Adds stamina, sprinting, and hunger
Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
Visible player armor & wielded items.
Adds realistic sound effects into your world.