Mod Name "beerchat"
Provided By
- No packages available
Forum Topics
Required By
- No packages available
Optionally Used By
mt-modsIngame mail-system
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
Spectator Mode
jpA mod for Minetest allowing you to watch other players in their 3rd person view.
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
Teleport Request
Traxie21Allows players to send a request to other players to teleport to them. Includes many more teleporting features.
Basic Machines
waxtatectLightweight automation mod
Babelfish Redo
1F616EMOTranslate chat messages into other languages
Recover from irrecoverable lag
1F616EMORestart the server when it lags too much
Emerald Bank (MineClonia)
N FreemanKeep your Emeralds in a Bank, a complete economy API
Moderator Warnings
1F616EMOEmphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.