Mod Name "beerchat"
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Forum Topics
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- No packages available
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Skyblock: Zero
zanderdevStart from absolutely nothing in a skyblock world. Time is your resource.
mt-modsIngame mail-system
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
Spectator Mode
jpA mod for Minetest allowing you to watch other players in their 3rd person view.
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
Teleport Request
Traxie21Allows players to send a request to other players to teleport to them. Includes many more teleporting features.
Recover from irrecoverable lag
1F616EMORestart the server when it lags too much
Emerald Bank (MineClonia)
N FreemanKeep your Emeralds in a Bank, a complete economy API
Moderator Warnings
1F616EMOEmphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
Basic Machines
waxtatectLightweight automation mod
Babelfish Redo
1F616EMOTranslate chat messages into other languages