Mod Name "flow"
Provided By
Required By
lazerbeak12345A simple inventory that makes use of Flow forms.
grorpPaint anything! Graffiti for Luanti.
Verbana GUI
LukeA GUI for verbana
Metadata Inspector
1F616EMOInspect or modify metadatas of a node
LukeAPI to add new inventory tabs which work across different inventory mods
Petroglyph Maker
NeuromancerCreate your own petroglyphs on Desert Stone
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
Player Settings
1F616EMOPlayer-specific settings
Admin mailing list and report
1F616EMOAdd mailing list for admins and moderators, and a report function
1F616EMOTurotial API
In the Fog
Jo5629_Herobrine has entered your world.
K WorldEdit Command Builder GUI
ketwarooAlternate worldedit frontend to build and run commands that is agnostic of inventory.
rPlace Analysis GUI
1F616EMOFormspec GUI for rPlace Analysis
Pencil Redo
1F616EMOTool to edit infotext of nodes
For Sale Sign for Unified Money
1F616EMOArea Exchange with Unified Money System
Valentine's day
LukeAdds valentine cards
Shop Dialog
1F616EMOFormspec-based shop dialog
Quiz UI
snowyuThe Manager UI for the Quiz mod.
User Manager
1F616EMOGUI to manage players
1F616EMOPlay music from albums
Apartment Rental Panels
1F616EMOSelf-service rental panels for players to rent apartments or shops
Teleport Anchor
1F616EMOFixed teleport destinations for survival players or adventure map makers
Travelnet Redo
1F616EMOTravelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
LukeAllows you to create and manage markers/waypoints.
rstcxkfully featured shell interpreter
Flow Extras
lazerbeak12345An experimental collection of extra widget APIs for flow
1F616EMOIn-game notification system
Jo5629_Craft guns and their components with an added workbench.
Flow Inspector
LukeAn "inspect element" helper for flow GUIs
Optionally Used By
- No packages available