Mod Name "fmod"
Provided By
Required By
fluxionaryan API for controlling item properties via monoids
fluxionaryitemframe that's a plate
status effects
fluxionaryapi for defining player status effects
fluxionaryplayer_monoids that persist between player sessions and server restarts/crashes.
fluxionarynode whose color can be set via digilines
fluxionaryadds a node to silence nearby sounds
Balrog Sword
DragonWrangleradds a balrog sword
fluxionarydebugging tools for server admins
replacer (flux's redo)
fluxionaryprovides a node replacement tool and a node inspection tool. slightly different than the other replacer variants.
builtin overrides
fluxionaryminor QOL overrides for some builtin behaviors
fluxionaryoverrides monoids controlling player physics provided by player_monoids, to limit how big they can grow.
bug command
fluxionaryadds a command that submits a bug report to a github repo.
fluxionarymore player monoids
bones (redo)
fluxionarythe bones mod from minetest_game, but with updates to make them much more reliable
fluxionaryAPI to allow multiple mods to make modifications to an itemstack's description
fluxionaryan API to allow multiple sources to apply changes to a tools's capabilities.
name monoid
fluxionaryflexible control of a player's nametag
fluxionaryan API for registering events which trigger when a player goes AFK or comes back from AFK.
mime (flux's fork)
fluxionaryadds a monster mimicking its surrounding nodes.
inventory ores
fluxionaryshows where to find ores in an inventory manager.
fluxionarya magnet for picking up items
scaffolding (flux's version)
fluxionaryscaffolding, to help in building projects.
bucket (redo)
fluxionarya bucket which functions like a normal tool.
action queues
fluxionaryprovides an API for queuing things for batch processing w/ various ways to specify the batch "size".
canonical name
fluxionaryapi to get the proper capitalization of a name
fluxionarycraft registration API which automatically deals w/ replacements
fluxionaryplayer monoid for controlling the look and abilities of the player's hand.
fluxionaryyet another tree-cutting mod
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
moreblocks and stairsplus
fluxionaryadds various blocks to the game
balrog (flux's fork)
fluxionaryadds balrogs.
fluxionaryflux's utility mod
node entity queue
fluxionarya queue for spreading out the generation of node entities over multiple server steps (smartshops, signs, itemframes, etc).
flux's worldedit maze generator
fluxionarya command to create 2d mazes using worldedit.
fluxionaryrun a command and put the output in a book
balanced diet
fluxionaryapi for specifying multiple dimensions to eating
Optionally Used By
- No packages available