Unified API for in-game currency
1F616EMOUnified API for currency management
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
1F616EMOInbox for items
Smartshop Payment with Unified Money
1F616EMOHandle smartshop payment digitally
For Sale Sign for Unified Money
1F616EMOArea Exchange with Unified Money System
Wire Transfer Terminal for Unified Money
1F616EMODigital way of transferring money in Unified Money system
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
1F616EMOStoring Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database
Interest for Unififed Money
1F616EMOGrow your assets over time
Red Pockets
1F616EMOHappy Chinese New Year! Give artificial red pockets to kids!
Shop Dialog
1F616EMOFormspec-based shop dialog