Clean unknown recipes
1F616EMORemove recipes referencing to unknown items
Colored Chat (Server Side Mod)
1F616EMOColor Your chat message
Cloud Storage
1F616EMOCommand-based Parcel Locker
1F616EMOCreate logging functions for mods easily
Settings Loader
1F616EMOLoad or reload settings easily
Pencil Redo
1F616EMOTool to edit infotext of nodes
Admin mailing list and report
1F616EMOAdd mailing list for admins and moderators, and a report function
Area Protection Jails
1F616EMOManage jails using area protection
Mesecons Snippet Button
1F616EMOExecute snippets with Mesecons
Server Lockdown
1F616EMOKeep non-admin players away during maintainence
Safe TNT
1F616EMOApply height restrictions to TNTs
Teleport Anchor
1F616EMOFixed teleport destinations for survival players or adventure map makers
Apartment Rental Panels
1F616EMOSelf-service rental panels for players to rent apartments or shops
Snippets Buttons
1F616EMOMore toggles for snippets
Error Mail
1F616EMOSend mail to the admin with error traceback
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
1F616EMOPreventing confusable usernames
Temporary Passwords
1F616EMOAssign temporary passwords to accounts
Random Messages
1F616EMORegister random announcements
BabelFish Mail
1F616EMOTranslate mails into the player's preferred language
Extended Protection
1F616EMOExtended interaction restriction rule
Recover from irrecoverable lag
1F616EMORestart the server when it lags too much
AFK Kick (AFK Indicator)
1F616EMOKick inactive players