Better Fences
ChimneySwiftA Minetest mod which improves the usability of fences by making fences which connect to less than 2 other fences connect to all nodes.
sorcerykidAn assortment user-customizable presents for special occasions
Bed Lives
lag01Lose bed spawn point after spending 3 lives
Jackknifeadds silver ore and tools
Stair Pick
BrandonReeseThis is a specialized pick for making stairs.
lordfingleA library to make it easier for developers to detect on_walk_over
Test Edit
lemaitredeNetherHave you ever dreamed of using world edit on minetest?... well it’s possible!!
Evil_GabeA mod that adds machines and tools also ores, items, etc
Real Elevators
Andrey01Adds realistic elevators with smooth moving.
jbbAdds many useful farming plants
Too many ores
TeufloVThis adds 53 new ores. But most of them are useless.