Edit Skin
Johannes FritzAdvanced player skin customization
bell07Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
Collectible Skins
ZughyWear and unlock skins
new minerals
GigaBytenew minerals for armor and tools,add mineral abysmal, cobalto,adamantita,tugsteno,clorofite,titanium and more uses for obsidian
Badass Mech (or cool mech)
SoundwavezAn addon that adds a badass mech, or “BAM” (this is a cool mech if the name is in any way confusing).
Simple Skins
TenPlus1Allows players to set their individual skins from a list or custom.
HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta
SoundwavezAdds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!
GigaBytethe player crouches
AntumDelugeA wardrobe that can be used to register & set new player skins.
Wardrobe Outfits
AntumDelugeSome select skins for the wardrobe.
GreenXenithIn-game live player skin editor.
player animation in water
GigaByteadds an animation when swimming
mike.monkeybiterOpen skinsdb by right clicking a node
welcome color
GigaByteadds a welcome message in green with ramdom messages and a message when a player leaves in red
Clothing 2
SFENCEAdd clothes to game, based on clothing from stu. For available machines and clothes, use this with appliances mod. Skinsdb makes clothing visible.