Ghost Block
Blocky PlayerAdds blocks that you can walk through. Build traps, hidden rooms and more!
Floatlandadds grass-like nodes that have flowers
Rainbow Source
SharaAdds coloured water.
Maple tree
DuvalonAdds a maple tree placed during world generation.
AwesomeDragon97A simple mod that adds decorative wooden tables.
Stack Slabs
TumeniNodesstackable slabs for Minetest
Brick Walls
philipmiAdds brick walls from different types of bricks.
mt-modsAdds lots of differently colored and textured blocks to Minetest.
Rotting Wood
PolyniumCauses wood to slowly rot while exposed to water
My Stone Paths
DonStone paths
My Siding
DonAdds lines on one side of block to make it look like siding
Better Ice
TheFanneModifies ice so that it melts into water when broken, and will be melted by torches
More Ladders
SkyBuilder1717Adds more ladders and sticks!!!
Tinted Glass
1F616EMOColored glass
My Mulch
DonTurns leaves and other items to mulch blocks
My Ladders
DonAdds different ladders to Luanti
SkyBuilder1717Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
Useful Contraptions
theFoxSome useful contraptions / machines.
Prefab Redo
cheapieCheapie's version of Dan's old prefab mod, which adds pre-fabricated concrete elements: catwalks, benches, ladders, railings...
SokomineAdd colored plaster coats to nodes
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
Node roads
MatyasPAdd much of one-node roads and crossroads, road bridges and slopes
Better Roads
DragonWranglerallows players to make roads with less jagged edges
Glostone Building Blocks
WovadoAdds basic glostone-based building materials
New Horizons
Hi_WorldAdds 4 new biomes and TONS of new blocks!
Poly Decor
mt-modsMy spin on decorative stuff.
More Mese Post Lights!
1F616EMOAdd more mese post light
Pink Lava
TenPlus1Adds pink lava to certain depth of map with new mahogany obsidian block
My Parkour
DonNodes for making a parkour track
Tac Nayn
GreenXenithAdds Nyan Cat's evil twin, Tac Nayn (and a gray-scale rainbow).
Legendary Ore
DynamaxPikachuAdds legendary ore and blocks
Tile Floors
ClassicAdamVarious colors of tile flooring in 16px and 256px res
WorldEdit Wall Block
SkyBuilder1717Adds block and item for making big structures easily as possible.
TP Gate
AiTechEyeTeleport through the gate
ullametal blocks stair railing coloured
Alien Tools
chaosomniumAlien Tools Mod for Minetest - adds Alien Tool, Shield, biome, etc
Cube Nodes
Andrey01Adds colorful blocks with various symbols as letters, digits, punctuation, emoji and special signs.
Node houses
MatyasPNode houses is a mod by MatyasP that adds one-node block of houses, for crafting using items from mode default.
drkwvAdds durable building materials that won't break on a first dig.
Explosion proof obsidian
Miner34Adds an explosion proof obsidian.