GoopsAllows to recycle metal tools
Elepower Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Elepower items.
Stairs Recycle
DumbDave961Turn stairs into ingots, slabs, or different stairs. Smelt cobble stairs into stone stairs. Highly recommended for Oneblock survival. Based on Simple Recycle by Jolesh.
Technic Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Technic items.
Splink Storage
YoreniAdds items that can store massive amounts of other items in your inventory
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones
PyuAn API for creating kits
niwla23Make day by using one mese crystal!
AiTechEyeCraft tools which have a life of their own - they can fight, dig, or place for you
mt-modsAn alternative crafting system done entirely in the world.
CSperson's Simple Pebbles
CSpersonA very simple mod that adds natural detritus. Doesn't do much besides that.
AiTechEyeThe serverguide
Kill history hud
GigaByteadds a death history on the screen
Hard Trees
octacianRequire tools to break trees and introduce beginner-tier rock tools.
Multitool Mod
thediamondlegoAdds a new tool that does the job of all the other tools(except hoe and screwdriver). Also has bouble the durability of a diamond tool!
Mese Glass
Naufal7545This mod adds a yellow glass block and a star block and several other tools.
csirolliPlace bounties on players
No Melterns, no tools
InfiniteCoder01You can't craft tools without melters now. Progression becomes harder
Ben's Gear
MissingTextureMan101Attach tool parts to create new tools and add a whole new layer of strategy to your tool crafting!
_XenonAdds dark stuff
Configuration Pack
X17Contains several node setting changes
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
_XenonAdds bright stuff
Noriel Sylvire's Minerals Core Modpack
Noriel_SylvireAn API for automatically registering recipes, nodes and ore generation.
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Renewable Fireflies
mecha_moonboyRegisters an ABM on some ground blocks that spawn fireflies if certain criteria are met.
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx
ElCeejoAdds Banshees, a ghostly mob that haunts pine forests
Portal gun
AiTechEyePortals and stuff
Mystical Agriculture
TechNolaByteAdds Resource Crops, Seeds, Essences, and other cool things!
Better Anvil
SkyBuilder1717Adds an better anvil for renaming and easy repairing items
Bed Lives
lag01Lose bed spawn point after spending 3 lives