SkyBuilder1717Adds a lot of helpful commands for your server
Better Command Blocks
ThePython10110Adds command blocks similar to those from a certain other voxel game.
SalzarAdds ranks, in chat and in nametag.
Silver SandstoneLets you put a block on your head.
Bed Notifications
Bob64This adds chat messages that tell other players when a player leaves or enters a bed and when players can sleep.
Cooperative Factions
skiscratcherAdds factions, allowing players to team together
English Phonics
NeuromancerEnglish Phonics (Learn how to sound out words and to read)
fluxionaryrun a command and put the output in a book
Simple Waypoints
chonA simple way to mark and teleport to important locations in your world
Inventory Admin
ImpulseEnables admins to manage the inventory of players.
Jafa Command Assistant
Jafacakes10This is to assist anyone with commands in game. It adds commands such as /day, /admin and /fly to make your experience easier.
UnchainedDevelopmentAdds intoxication effects and HUD bar to display intoxication level.
More Triggers
SkyBuilder1717Adds more triggers for mod "Awards"
Top players
GigaByteAdds a kill, deaths, and kd counter to players.
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
Chat guide
LudusA virtual assistant that helps players with tips, guides, and useful information.
kestralAscend by chat command, if possible.
SalzarAdds a custom join and a left message.
Colored Chat Text
Bob64This makes the minetest chat messages a different color depending on what you set it to in the settings.
Minebase Core
ThatCommandAdds APIs and new dynamic functionalities.
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx