Inventory Pouches
ImpulseAdds inventory pouches.
rubenwardyAdds achievements
Documentation system integration for Advanced Trains
Y. WangAdds certain Advtrains-related items to the documentation system
Better Command Blocks
ThePython10110Adds command blocks similar to those from a certain other voxel game.
LunovoxAdd multiple computing devices such as: Smartphones and Desktops. It supports several apps integrated by other mods.
More Awards
ClothierEdwardA mod that expands on rubenwardy's Awards mod by adding tons of new awards.
Simple Waypoints
chonA simple way to mark and teleport to important locations in your world
Mesecons Lab Cursor
NameNotQualityThe cursor from Mesecons Lab
swagtoyImproves the inventory, and fixes some formspecs throughout some mods.
WorldEdit Wall Block
SkyBuilder1717Adds block and item for making big structures easily as possible.
JoeEndermanAdds an uncrafting table
Colored Chat Text
Bob64This makes the minetest chat messages a different color depending on what you set it to in the settings.
AthozusAdds ingame auctions
XP Highscores
debiankaiosAdd a better highscore system for xp_redo.
DuvalonAn augmented mtg_craftguide. Supports a progressive reveal system that follows doc items help.