ElCeejoAdds Prehistoric Fauna and Flora to Minetest Game
AnnalysaBoil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
lil lizard pal
Soundwaveza minetest addon made by a very smart person, adds a node based lizard in a glass box to the game. (he can die if you dont feed him)
zaners123A ComputerCraft-inspired mod! Program them with LUA and watch them work!
Bas080Anables users to get a pathogen.
ofgJapanese hiragana blocks
loosewheelAdds programmable computers and robots, and sundry.
Magma Conduits
FaceDeerRemoves default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
More Stones
Blocky PlayerProvides a variety of educational and decorative minerals and rocks.
giga-turboUse lua code to build anything you want
yonaTsalagi Letters
Teacher: Locked Chests
1F616EMOTutorial for MTG Locked Chests
English Phonics
NeuromancerEnglish Phonics (Learn how to sound out words and to read)
Spanish Phonics Learn to Read
NeuromancerLearn how to sound out words and read in Spanish
ᏣᎳᎩ Phonics
yonaPhonics Tsalagi (Learn how to Read ᏣᎳᎩ)
BirgitLachnerA Mod to let Kids start programming with a turtle that can move around in the world, and dig and build what the user wants.
Simple Dice
farfadet46Simple dice for little games ;)
JoleshAdds Waste and ways to recycle it into useful resources
Card deck
mijutuDeck of cards and table blocks
kyleclaassenA tool for constructing mathematical curves/surfaces/solids.
Math blocks
GiulioAdds decorative math blocks to help in teaching
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
Phonics Library
NeuromancerProvides a library for creating Phonics (Learn how to read) mods in different languages.