Boots of Swiftness Mod
ClothierEdwardAdds a new pair of boots called the Boots of Swiftness.
Shield Tome
LissoBoneMagic Shield Tome.
UnchainedDevelopmentAdds intoxication effects and HUD bar to display intoxication level.
Dirt Tunneler
NeuromancerMakes dirt deeper and you can tunnel through it just by walking through it. Press spacebar/shift to tunnel upward/downward with auto placed ladders.
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
Kill history hud
GigaByteadds a death history on the screen
XP Highscores
debiankaiosAdd a better highscore system for xp_redo.
_XenonAdds dark stuff
_XenonAdds bright stuff
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.