LWComputers Software
loosewheelSoftware for LWComputers.
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
Technic train
gpcfVarious Technic machines mounted on rail cars
cheapieDigilines graphical screen
cheapieAdvanced traffic signal controller
More Snow
Sokominesnow and wool for stairs - nicer winter landscape and snow-covered roofs
TenPlus1Adds hoppers to transport items between chests/furnace etc.
Nixie Tubes
mt-modsProvides a set of classic numeric Nixie tubes, alphanumeric tubes similar to Burroughs B-7971, and Dekatron tubes, all controlled by Digilines.
Doctor Who Tardis
SkivlingAdds various items, blocks, Daleks, and a working TARDIS from the sci-fi show Doctor Who.
Technic use Battery
1F616EMOUse energy from RE batteries in the inventory
Ice Machine
cheapieA machine that makes ice cubes.
Technic Elepower Compatibility
DumbDave961Elepower recipes for Technic machines. Technic recipes for Elepower machines. A new converter connects Technic cables to Elepower conduits when enabled.
beepbopbeepboopAdds LV-MV-HV Auto Planter and a customizable MV Harvester
Mesecons Stealthnodes
ClydeRegister your own Ghoststones.
More Fuels
pl608Adds a few new fuels for use in furnaces such as gasoline and petrolium
Digilines Lightstone
1F616EMODigiline-controlled light-emitting colour blocks
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
mike.monkeybiterA refillable machine to easily create simple block bridges across caverns and valleys.
DSDevice to meassure time of mesecon signals in globalsteps
56independentThis mod adds a simple HTTP request device for digilines.
Useful Contraptions
theFoxSome useful contraptions / machines.
LW Wires
loosewheelWires and bundle cables.
Lua Controller Block
LC CreationsAdds a block that functions like a Lua Controller but has 'e' (down) and 'f' (up) pins and ports
Technic Diamonds
mt-modsUse technic to grind and compress diamonds.
JoleshAdds Waste and ways to recycle it into useful resources
Technic Grass Clean
1F616EMOA tool like chainsaw, but cut grass, not tree.
alerikaisatteraA Technic based machine for converting certain items into more compact forms
opfromthestartFrames from Technic since it was removed.
Technic Recipes
alerikaisatteraExtra recipes for processing various items with Technic machines
SokomineAdd colored plaster coats to nodes
Elepower Fixes
Bob64This aims to fix some of the problems with the elepower modpack.
LC CreationsAdds blocks that can execute lua code. Admin purposes only.
Mesecons Soundblock
nitro2012plMesecons Soundblock
BuckarooBanzaiBuild nodes with digiline commands
fluxionarynode whose color can be set via digilines
Libox Controller
frogTheSecondA fork of mooncontroller made to use libox, also has QOL improvements
Weedstone Random Mod Thing
chaosomniumOriginally meant to be a simple electronics type mod inspired by redstones, I messed around with the code after getting bored and got this weird mod, and now it's this thing. Enjoy I guess?
LWComponents Spawners
loosewheelRegister spawners for lwcomponents.
No Melterns, no tools
InfiniteCoder01You can't craft tools without melters now. Progression becomes harder
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.