Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
AiTechEyeCraft tools which have a life of their own - they can fight, dig, or place for you
mt-modsAn alternative crafting system done entirely in the world.
Floating Anchor
StarbeamrainbowlabsExtraUtilities' Angel Block for Minecraft in Minetest! Place structures in mid-air with ease.
Multitool Mod
thediamondlegoAdds a new tool that does the job of all the other tools(except hoe and screwdriver). Also has bouble the durability of a diamond tool!
SiresAdds some pretty OP tools :)
No Melterns, no tools
InfiniteCoder01You can't craft tools without melters now. Progression becomes harder
Ben's Gear
MissingTextureMan101Attach tool parts to create new tools and add a whole new layer of strategy to your tool crafting!
_XenonAdds dark stuff
_XenonAdds bright stuff
SXProvides API to register node metadata tools along with few useful tools
Noriel Sylvire's Minerals Core Modpack
Noriel_SylvireAn API for automatically registering recipes, nodes and ore generation.
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Knapping Mechanics
csirolliAdds knapping mechanics API inspired by Vintage story
ElCeejoAdds Banshees, a ghostly mob that haunts pine forests
Portal gun
AiTechEyePortals and stuff
Lakemaker Mod
sunnysideupA TNT block that makes lakes/bodies of water.
Jackknifeadds silver ore and tools
Stair Pick
BrandonReeseThis is a specialized pick for making stairs.
Too many ores
TeufloVThis adds 53 new ores. But most of them are useless.