Farming Redo
TenPlus1Adds many plants and food to Minetest
VoxeLibre More Food
rudzik8Adds five more food items to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia
BlockheadSolid cubes of food for mass storage or building.
TomlausA mod for Mineclone2 and Mineclonia with new food.
Ice Cream Mod
Can202Add some Ice Creams
ThePython10110Adds random things to MTG and MCL.
Nutra Paste
ApolloXLow quality, but free, food source.
Drying Rack
TydragonThe Drying Rack Mod is a straightforward addition to Luanti, allowing players to transform rotten flesh into Monster Jerky, a safe and reliable alternative to eating rotten flesh.
1F616EMODelicious Narutomaki!
Bucket of feeds for easier feeding
SFENCECraftable bucket of feeds which can be used for feed nearby animals.
French Toast!
RasPiManiacAdds French Toast. That's it.