Basic Anvil
MikeRedwoodAdds an easy tool repair craft
Lava Ore Gen
Coder12Makes the lava turn stone into ore over time.
AwesomeDragon97Adds sieves that are used to separate (occasionally) valuable debris from sand.
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
Random Cool
pl608Adds random ores on lava cool
After Earth
AiTechEyeThe earth's ecosystem has collapsed, and there are no biologically environment left.
Bed Notifications
Bob64This adds chat messages that tell other players when a player leaves or enters a bed and when players can sleep.
cakenggtLive in a tropical paradise where you can sail, mine coconuts, etc.
KimaprBypass Protection Sorcery in survival
Teacher: Locked Chests
1F616EMOTutorial for MTG Locked Chests
BuckarooBanzaiAdds blocks to create missions with rewards, timeout and penalties.
iarbatAdds a hard to obtain yet powerful substance called Aether.
Utilities for Underch - extension pack
Hume2Extend the Underground Challenge by miscelaneous utilities and change some recipes
Axis Tools
mt-modsAll the functionality of tinkers construct, but all in your inventory.
Infinite Wood Mod
thehumanarachnidYou can now get infinite wood in survival
CalinouA special ore that kills you when mined.
ElCeejoAdds an eerie biome with multiple mobs.
Nether Mobs
DirkfriedAdd monsters and dragons to your nether world.
Forgotten Monsters (Reworked)
PixelZoneAdd monsters and bosses to your world...
LootChests Modpack
mt-modsModpack adding a lot of various loot containers across the world to be found and providing an API, resources and integrations for other mods
Mobs Ethereal Bosses
PixelZoneAdds Bosses in biomes from the "Ethereal NG" and "Mineclonia" mods
Wilhelmines Living Desert
LiilAdds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
Wilhelmines Sounds
LiilAdds ambient sounds to the landscapes of Living Floatlands, Living Desert, Living Jungle, Living Caves and Natural Biomes
Technic Armor
mt-modsAdds armor made from lead, brass, cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, tin and silver
Armor HUD bar
WuzzyAdds a HUD bar displaying the current damage of the player's armor.
Castle Weapons
FaceDeerProvides several medieval weapons for use around castles
Super Foods!
LoopyAntennaAdds many new foods, such as cake, watermelon, coconut, and cheese! You can even play in Survival!
swagtoyAdds stamina and sprinting (no hunger!)
Hazmat Suit
1F616EMOProtect wearer from fire and radiation
Armor Expanded
CrystalwarriorExpanded armors for 3d armors
TarruviAdds a few crops, mushrooms and food items
Real Torch
TenPlus1Realistic torches that go out eventually and drop in water
The Composter
Dino0815Adds a composter to make dirt out of your leaves.
Lapis Lazuli
LNJAdds lapis lazuli ore, items and blocks.
Sleeping Mat
kestralSimple sleeping mat made out of grass.
TruemmererAdd Cement Blocks with unifieddyes support
justsoupA mod that adds a few new food items.
Painted 3D Armor
BeerholderAdds banners to your armor, either painted using the painting mod or created using the banners mod
Underground Challenge
Hume2Explore all 62 underground biomes!
Just_VisitingA Particle-based Waterfalls/Lavafalls Mod