Hybrid DogThe underworld for Minetest.
APercyAdds an airship to mtg
Nate's CTF Guns
cracksmoka420Adds craftable guns that feel like hit scan
Stained Glass
alerikaisatteraStained glass blocks and panes
AtlanteThis mod allows you to create paths with shovels
Phiiadds highly randomized vivid dungeons to the world, and tools to spawn/customize them.
Savoia S-21
APercySavoia S-21
Sounds Redone
StarNinjasAdds sounds to specific blocks
Other Worlds
TenPlus1Adds asteroid layers and height-based skybox switches to create space environments.
Stair Carpets
AwesomeDragon97Allows you to place carpets on stairs and slabs.
Mob Mese Monster Classic
TenPlus1Adds classic Mese Monster.
StarNinjasAdds new industrious-themed blocks and tools.
Universal geometry realm
paramatCreate worlds of varying shapes
AnnalysaBoil milk and then let the curd age to get cheese!
Just_VisitingAdds fun rocks to bring new life to your survival and creative creations!
TheAlchemist0033adds throwable and regular potions to game (beta)
Slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
mt-modsAdds several types of slimes inspired by TheManaWorld
FreeLikeGNUHelpful and unique witches inhabit the land adding a magical touch and interact with player! Work in progress, but playable!
zaners123A ComputerCraft-inspired mod! Program them with LUA and watch them work!
lil lizard pal
Soundwaveza minetest addon made by a very smart person, adds a node based lizard in a glass box to the game. (he can die if you dont feed him)
demon_boyAdds a wide variety of Australia-themed biomes and content
the curse of the corngirl
Soundwavezadds a creepy cornfield, with a dark secret...
Fancy Vend
ChimneySwiftA full-featured, fully-integrated vendor mod for Minetest
Bas080Anables users to get a pathogen.
IcyDiamondA work-in-progress magic mod
Flay KruneganNew Confetti for all!
Corroded Metal
M BLOCMetal can rust when next to water. Restore it with acid from underground.
Baked Clay
TenPlus1Adds the ability to bake clay into blocks and colour them with dye.
Wilhelmines People
LiilAdds the possibility to build living Villages. Trade items for random stuff from your villagers, recruit mounts and warriors.
Working villages
theFoxA mod adding villager NPCs that are doing predefined work.
Just_VisitingAlgae mapgen addition to "Minetest Game"
Connected Chests
Hybrid DogAllows making bigger default chests.
X Obsidianmese
SaKeLShooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
Native Villages
LiilAdds villages of native people to the world.
gpcfNice trains for Advtrains
Laptop Extend Pack 2
ChrithonExtend Pack for Laptop Mod with 4 computers and a theme.
B47 Helicopter
APercyAdds a craftable B47 Helicopter
Wilhelmines Marinara
Liiladds water structures and coral reefs to the oceans of your world
StarNinjasAdds coral reefs, fish, decorative ocean blocks and much more!
bweapons modpack
mt-modsA weapons modpack aiming at providing a complete, technologic and magic progression of ranged weapons, along with an API to easily make your own ones.