X Clay
SaKeLAdds hardened clay.
Strange Weapons
Robot10&ScheletorAdds many strange and improbable weapons
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
More Upgrade Packs
nolombicUpgrade your upgrade packs so you can have even higher stats!
EmilianoA package with some elements and compounds
Molten Sailor by Dokimi
CalebJBoat for sailing on lava, suit for diving in lava.
johalunMobile storage box powered by Mese
Technic use Battery
1F616EMOUse energy from RE batteries in the inventory
Movement Essentials
DanielAdds umbrella for slow fall (hang gliders), consume mese crystal to recall (return to spawn), and throw fragments to teleport.
iarbatDe-craft items with the decrafting workbench.
Better Ice
TheFanneModifies ice so that it melts into water when broken, and will be melted by torches
S Potions
StakboxAdds a simple potion brewing system for MTG. Includes API for adding custom potions.
ClydeAdds 3 kind of Coins to your game
Technic Elepower Compatibility
DumbDave961Elepower recipes for Technic machines. Technic recipes for Elepower machines. A new converter connects Technic cables to Elepower conduits when enabled.
NordalAdds handmills and threshing floor.
AiTechEyeA easy bow mod with arrows
Fire extinguisher
SkyBuilder1717Adds fire extinguisher, which can extinguish some fire
S Battlehammer
StakboxAdds a battlehammer weapon with high knockback for MTG (compatible only with Mobs Redo API).
Kitty/Kitto Ores
nemokitty9Nemokitty9's own ore pack. Includes Tools!
Shadow Realm
archfan7411The realm of shadows contains many hidden horrors.
AntumDelugeAn explosive nuisance.
mike.monkeybiterA refillable machine to easily create simple block bridges across caverns and valleys.
Lighting Rocket
lag01For temporary lighting large areas
Easy night
X-DEAdds crafting recipe for torches with leafs, a sleeping bag, you can sleep at 18:44 and modify when to sleep
Surprise Blocks
WuzzyRandomly spawns surprise blocks closely about ground level.
Leather Armor
X17Adds an armor made of leather
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
Dragonbone Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds dragonbone set
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.
Fireworks Redo recipes
TarasArtAdds crafting recipes for Fireworks Redo, making it usable in survival mode.
UnchainedDevelopmentAdds intoxication effects and HUD bar to display intoxication level.
JoleshAdds Waste and ways to recycle it into useful resources
Fake Liquid
SkyBuilder1717Adds a fake liquids
GC Gamemode
stellarorionEasily switch between the survival and creative inventory
GoopsAllows to recycle metal tools
Elepower Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Elepower items.
Stairs Recycle
DumbDave961Turn stairs into ingots, slabs, or different stairs. Smelt cobble stairs into stone stairs. Highly recommended for Oneblock survival. Based on Simple Recycle by Jolesh.
Technic Recycle
DumbDave961Recycling recipes for Technic items.
Splink Storage
YoreniAdds items that can store massive amounts of other items in your inventory
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones