Technic Recipes
alerikaisatteraExtra recipes for processing various items with Technic machines
Oil lamps
ademantCreate oillamps with oil from leaves (basic_materials) or create oil with seeds.
More Crafting Recipes
RasPiManiacAdds more default crafting recipes
Simple Shooter
stuFirst person shooter mod.
NeuromancerPineapple crop for tropical biomes
LNJA mod that adds a jukebox with nine different discs.
citorvaAdd a lot of pillars for fun.
justsoupA mod that adds a few new food items.
Coconut Trees
NeuromancerAdds coconut trees with edible coconuts & thatch blocks
Better Ice
TheFanneModifies ice so that it melts into water when broken, and will be melted by torches
Tree Particles
SuperStarSonicAdds particles of falling leaves when you punch a tree
mike.monkeybiterOpen skinsdb by right clicking a node
Mesecon Technology (MeseTec)
AiTechEyeAdds some extra and usefull mesecons stuff
Ancient Bones
karlexceedAdds bones with loot to dungeons.
Weedstone Random Mod Thing
chaosomniumOriginally meant to be a simple electronics type mod inspired by redstones, I messed around with the code after getting bored and got this weird mod, and now it's this thing. Enjoy I guess?
Technic Diamonds
mt-modsUse technic to grind and compress diamonds.
MTC Chisel
Can202Add Chisel and new decorative blocks.
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
More Tools
SFENCEAdd more variant of screwdriver and shears (if vines is enabled). Add garden trowel tool if composting is enabled.
monkMakes dry soil wet for farming
Randomized Map-specific Ores
Piezo_Adds two randomly created ores to each world with varying properties depending on the world's seed
iarbatDe-craft items with the decrafting workbench.
Embedded Lights
scr267Decorative block embedded LED or Potlights
mt-modsadds a ufo for flying around in
Chest Tools
SokomineShared locked chests with bag support and quick inventory access
JoleshAdds Waste and ways to recycle it into useful resources
Quartz Geodes
AwesomeDragon97Extends the Geodes mod with quartz geodes.
3D Armor Mobile
LandarVarganAdds a command to bring up a formspec that allows mobile users to put on armor
Admin Toys
wilkgr76Tools for admins to have fun with cheating and otherwise rule-breaking players
Dragonbone Stuff
Robot10&ScheletorAdds dragonbone set
alerikaisatteraA Technic based machine for converting certain items into more compact forms
Hard Trees
octacianRequire tools to break trees and introduce beginner-tier rock tools.
MiniontobyA doorbell mod with sound
Colored Blocks
sermowDifferent colors of: stone, stone bricks, wood obsidian, and glass
Lava + Water > Stone
1F616EMOCool Lava into technically special stones for easier cleanup
X Clay
SaKeLAdds hardened clay.
ByakurenA loot framework.
Mesecons Stealthnodes
ClydeRegister your own Ghoststones.
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame