GreenXenithProof of concept for hexagonal nodes
Card deck
mijutuDeck of cards and table blocks
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.
Sticks Stones
MikeRedwoodMakes Sticks from leaves and scatters small stones
Poly Decor
mt-modsMy spin on decorative stuff.
DSDevice to meassure time of mesecon signals in globalsteps
iarbatAdds counterfeit diamonds and other fake precious materials.
Scripted World Editor
NeuromancerAPI that allows you pass in scripting tables to fill a series of shapes of different sizes with different nodes
Zemtzov7Miscellaneous pyro things
Dye Mixer
LRVThis mod removes the mixes of dyes and the crafting recipes that allow you to dye wool and make them craftable in the Dye Mixer.
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
PyuAn API for creating kits
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
Cave explorer tool
SFENCECave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Sun Flowers
Hybrid DogThis mod generates flowers which close their heads at night.
golden lava
GigaByteadd golden lava
CSperson's Simple Pebbles
CSpersonA very simple mod that adds natural detritus. Doesn't do much besides that.
Mtg Craft Reverser
Hugues RossMakes crafting recipes in Minetest Game reversible
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
Math blocks
GiulioAdds decorative math blocks to help in teaching
Colourful Ladders
Itz-Noah40 colourful wooden ladders
Block In Block
TumeniNodesA silly mod to spark creativity
Openion Yeast
WovadoAdds Yeast and a Yeast Barrel
Protector Redux
sorcerykidAn efficient and flexible node-based protection scheme for multiplayer worlds
loosewheelVarious colorable decorative blocks.
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
Simple Dice
farfadet46Simple dice for little games ;)
More Mese Post Lights!
1F616EMOAdd more mese post light
Random (Useful) stuff
pl608A library that adds well... Random Stuff
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Nextgen Compass
StarNinjasA compass item which points towards the world origin.
Debugging Console
sorcerykidProvides an in-game HUD to easily monitor debug output
Blood Bane Sword
Blocky PlayerOP sword for moderators. In memory of an old teacher, who had a mod similar to this on a private server.
Macro Crafting Manager
sorcerykidMacro Crafting Manager provides a streamlined drag-and-drop interface for dividing and arranging item stacks within the craft-grid
debiankaiosA player is holding TNT which is about to explode; they must tag other players to get rid of it
Item Holders
Jose_ManuelS18Adds 'Item Holders', blocks that hold your items in display, also provides a API.
X17Adds eatable sugar made of papyrus and a sugar block
Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
Great British Pound
angry_hd1Adds A Simple Currency System
Bouncy Leaves
1F616EMOAdds bouncy and fall damage reduce effect to leaves