Techage Modpack
joe7575Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
LuaJIT Profiler
jwmhjwmhProfile mods using LuaJIT's built-in profiler.
Warr1024A collection of misc dependency-free utilities primarily for server hosts
Discord-Minetest Relay
archfan7411Mod + external program providing Discord relaying and commands.
YL Matterbridge
AliasAlreadyTakenHandles chat between Minetest and Matterbridge
JavaFXpertTeaching Quantum Computing using Qiskit in a block world
Internet Relay Chat
kaezaConnect your server to an IRC channel, and install irc_commands to control the server from IRC
Chat Translator
Droog71Translates chat messages in Minetest using LibreTranslate.
Minetest-Telegram Bridge
1F616EMOChat bridge between Minetest and Telegram
localhostVerification/authorization via Fediverse based on (t)otp
Configuration Panel
sorcerykidAPI extension that allows seamless loading of mod configuration at runtime
QuantumBuilder - a QiskitBlocks fork
MIROFork of JavaFXpert/QiskitBlocks - Game that teaches quantum computing
Travelnet Redo
1F616EMOTravelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
NodeCore Skins
Warr1024Custom player skins for NodeCore
Nebula Admin
JoinNebulaIn-game administrator control panel/dashboard/configuration editor
Server Logs
ImpulseShows server logs to privileged users
Auth Redux
sorcerykidAuth Redux is a drop-in replacement for the builtin authentication handler of Minetest
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
1F616EMOStoring Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database
frogTheSecondA library for (qemu) virtual machines
VPS Blocker
LejoBlock players using vpns, proxys or other hosting services
ROllerozxaAutomatically restarts the server after a certain uptime is reached.
Test Harness
IRIProvides an automated testing framework by simulating player behavior on a server. It allows developers to create, register, and run tests to their packages
bug command
fluxionaryadds a command that submits a bug report to a github repo.
Database Manager
AFCMDatabase Manager API
fluxionaryget info about the mods running on a server
sorcerykidDataMiner is an analytical tool for server operators with a feature-rich API for customized report generation
CTF Info
Jo5629_Know what is happening in CTF in your world.
Hades Revisited back-compatibility
SFENCEMake old Hades Revisited world compatible with new versions of Hades Revisited (from version 0.7.0 to 0.13.0).
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
Babelfish Redo
1F616EMOTranslate chat messages into other languages
Modding Commands
DragonWranglerAdds Hopefully helpful commands for modding
Recover from irrecoverable lag
1F616EMORestart the server when it lags too much
Advanced Chat
LMDA library for advanced chatting.
fluxionaryverification and banning
Pluggable Helpers
sorcerykidAutomated dependency management of helper functions within a distributed architecture
MQTT Client Library
TuxilioA mod for MQTT communication