WuzzyYou’re lost in cyberspace. Collect electrons, unlock new sectors and find your destination
Warr1024Sliding block puzzles in an alien environment
MisterEChoose your direction wisely. A simple puzzle game.
Piranesi Restoration Project
Warr1024Discover the secrets of the space-bending house, in this polished remake of iarbat's award-winning original game.
The secret story of spacetravel
Nathan.S2022 game jame entry
Spiraling Down
Spiraling Down DevsWork your way down in the hostile to life environment of Enceladus
Secrets of the Space Parable
StarNinjasImagine being alone. In a spacecraft. This is you.
LandarVarganYour ship has crashed, armed with a few tools you must harvest meteorites to repair your ship while fighting off hordes of aliens
Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
Secrets of the Moon
BlockheadDiscover the true nature of the moon
cx384DS's Space Search Adventure
Adopt a Space Worm
mothnox(Extremely unfinished) An alien virtual pet