jordan4ibanezAn operating system.
IrevolA time-traveling puzzle game
The Velvet Crystal
regulusRecover the crystal and bring light back into the world
Shadow Forest
WuzzyThe forest has been overrun by the Shadows who’ve cursed it with eternal darkness. You’re the Wizard of Light; you’re the only hope to break the curse.
The Unexpected Gambit
NO11A chess game with unexpected mechanics.
What Were You Expecting?
epCodeAn interactive rpg game with a fun ending.
Air Game
wsor4035Legendary Air Game
Ghost Crypt
group_fooSteal the treasure while avoiding ghosts.
Veil of the Unknown
StarNinjasExperience a world of complete blindness. Try you best to survive without the gift of sight.
Fill the Void
Charleston314You start in a empty, boring world. What it becomes is up to you.
Robot Operator
Nathan.SSolve the puzzles and save the world.
Wisdom Check Part 1
RedundantCFear of Surprises (game jam 2023 entry)