Minetest-Telegram Bridge
1F616EMOChat bridge between Minetest and Telegram
English Phonics
NeuromancerEnglish Phonics (Learn how to sound out words and to read)
LissoBonePlay with your friends and enemies in this exciting manhunt game.
fluxionaryrun a command and put the output in a book
ImpulseAdds proposing and voting on server changes
Drop Blacklisted
uyku"Don't add the specified drop(s) to the inventory when digging"
Moderator Warnings
1F616EMOEmphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
Matrix Chat
joenasThis mod creates a bridge between a Matrix channel and the in-game chat!
Definition Ripper
Warr1024Generate inert facades from node/item definitions for use in other games
Msg Color
cj_clippyAdd colored chat messages to your server.
beaver700nhImproves in-game QOL by adding helpful commands
MinetestSet a home position you can teleport back to anytime
Simple Waypoints
chonA simple way to mark and teleport to important locations in your world
Ingame Editor for Yourland Speak up mod
SokomineEdit ingame what NPCs say without server restart
Jafa Command Assistant
Jafacakes10This is to assist anyone with commands in game. It adds commands such as /day, /admin and /fly to make your experience easier.
Spawn Command
LogikíAdds /spawn and /city to your world, you can set places ingame without restarting the server
Inventory Admin
ImpulseEnables admins to manage the inventory of players.
Top players
GigaByteAdds a kill, deaths, and kd counter to players.
/giveme itemname completion
Hybrid DogAutocompletion of item names for the /giveme chat command
Mesecons Microphone
Maverick2797Chat-toggleable mesecons node.
Automatic Cave Lighting
Hybrid DogAdd two chatcommands to automatically light up dark places (e.g. caves) with lighting nodes such as torches.
rstcxkfully featured shell interpreter
Public unlock announcements for Awards
TarasArtAnnounces player achievements in chat
Flay KruneganChange playername in the server.
Bapt-techMany commands and functions for admins and moderators
Item Information
Flay KruneganShows information about the item in use.
Emojis Modpack
mt-modsA modpack allowing players to display emojis
UnchainedDevelopmentAdds intoxication effects and HUD bar to display intoxication level.
Better Bookmarks
jkoopkeep location bookmarks, like /sethome
List Items Chat Command
AntumDelugeChat command that lists registered items & entities.
Chatcommand Library
LMDLibrary for registering chatcommands.
Edutest Chatcommands
zeunerProvides chatcommands for the educational staff.
More Triggers
SkyBuilder1717Adds more triggers for mod "Awards"
octacianMakes chat on a populated server much easier to understand and keep up with.
Better Commands
ThePython10110Adds commands and syntax from a certain other voxel game
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
Minetest Email
MrFreemanAdds email style inboxes to Minetest.
Chat guide
LudusA virtual assistant that helps players with tips, guides, and useful information.
ApolloXRegenerating terrain
rstcxkcensors swears in the player chat using the filter++ liberary