erleAdds map items that show terrain in HUD
MisnadDisplay current time and days since start on bottom right of screen.
LukeAllows you to create and manage markers/waypoints.
Mesecons Lab Cursor
NameNotQualityThe cursor from Mesecons Lab
LukeA library to make HUDs from formspecs
Potions And Magic
mathysAdd potions and their hud
MineClone2 Welcome HUD
AFCMShow welcome bossbar in the HUD
Gems Battle
MisterEBedwars-like team battle minigame
LinuxdirkIngame timer for showing current playtime, current day time, ingame time, etc.
Kill History
LMDAdds a kill history
SwissalpSAdds a HUD to show current ingame time and position also tool to visualize map-blocks
MightyAlex200Small indicator to show what the player is looking at.
Better Commands
ThePython10110Adds commands and syntax from a certain other voxel game
JuriAdds an HUD which shows some performance stats.
Death Coords
NidenShow Death Coordinates
K Wider Hotbar
ketwarooIncreases the number of hotbar slots by displaying exta inventory rows
Vignette Redo
kestralOptionally place a vignette filter over the screen.
Kill history hud
GigaByteadds a death history on the screen
ApolloXA notification tool for players in-game.
Complete and Total Lua-Only Inventory Rewrite
NoodlemireCreates a completely custom inventory system, which doesn't rely at all on any of the usual UserData objects.
What are those!?
tacotexmexSee what those nodes are called by simply looking at them (or by punching them)
1F616EMOIn-game notification system
nixnoxusAdds various infomation
Minebase Core
ThatCommandAdds APIs and new dynamic functionalities.
Tool Watcher
j0j0n4th4nIntroduces an item for monitoring the wield tool durability and alerting players when their equipment is close to breaking through a HUD text.
Be2een Api
_gianpy_timers, animation and action! ciack
Forgotten Lands
jordan4ibanezLands that someone forgot.
Warning: Non-free media.
Mobile Crosshair
GreenXenithIt's a crosshair for mobile.
Basic HUD textures
WuzzyAdds basic but neccessary HUD images: Heart icon, bubble icon, … (for game authors)
Better Anvil
SkyBuilder1717Adds an better anvil for renaming and easy repairing items