mt-modsstandalone chat channel mod
LandarVarganAdds chatcommands server staff can use for announcements
SalzarAdds a custom join and a left message.
kestralAscend by chat command, if possible.
RisingLeafAdds a very basic guild system.
Public Death Messages
ThresherAdds toggleable and unique death messages for when a player dies
Smart Chat
ClydeA new, lightweight, simple and modular Chatsystem
Warr1024Cheat commands for ColourHop
Zemtzov7Allows to check and remove items from players' inventories
PvP Control
mike.monkeybiterAllow players to set their own ability to hurt or be hurt in PvP, by chat command or by pressure pads. Nametag colour changes to reflect status.
Chat Notification
MisnadPlays a notification sound to all player when a player sents a chat message.
qPexLegendaryAdds local and global chat
Server News
ThresherShows players the server news when they log in
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
bryliePolite farts and burps.
Random Messages
1F616EMORegister random announcements
No Touch, Griefer!
ROllerozxaPer-IP interact privilege bans
Chat Tools
theFoxchat commands that people might need
DerevioAdds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
angry_hd1Fully heal yourself using a command!
Chat Anticurse
lag01Kick player out when they type a curse word in chat or using /me or /msg command.
Advanced Chat
LMDA library for advanced chatting.
bug command
fluxionaryadds a command that submits a bug report to a github repo.
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
LogikíThis gives protection in chat from bad persons, from cursing & swearing
Colored Chat Text
Bob64This makes the minetest chat messages a different color depending on what you set it to in the settings.
fluxionaryget info about the mods running on a server
Advanced Playtime
zanderdevKeeps track of playtime for all players in your world. Notifies you how much playtime you have occasionally.
Messages Filter
AtlanteThis mod allows you to filter the messages sent in order to maintain calm in your server.
Bapt-techcreates /rtp command and allow you to create your owns random teleport places
Logikíthis gives tools for developers
Chat Visual
Itz-NoahNeed a way to distinguish between staff and players?
Chat translate
ksandrAdds commands to translate chat messages into the recipient's language.
Simonfill your hearts (HP)
neko259Integration with telegram messenger chat
Flay KruneganText to Binary, Binary to Text, Text to Morse, Morse to Text, Binary to Morse, Morse to Binary.
Web chat
secklMakes the in-game chat accessible through a web browser.
filter++ lib
rstcxkprovides an API for filtering text
Babelfish Redo
1F616EMOTranslate chat messages into other languages
Autograph Mod
Jo5629_Autograph Mod