Kick voting
lag01Allow players to vote to make life of selected griefers and especially agressive players harder.
Banned on Die
srifqiBan players upon death.
Public Inventory
cd2Adds a public inventory.
AFK Protective Kick
1F616EMOKick AFK players facing dangers
Moderator Warnings
1F616EMOEmphasize warnings sent by the moderation team
LandarVarganYour ship has crashed, armed with a few tools you must harvest meteorites to repair your ship while fighting off hordes of aliens
Color Block
codeAtoriumA simple multiplayer color block game. Race to the colored blocks before they disappear. The last player standing wins!
sofarEasier method for creating better and more secure formspecs.
Signal_A skin system that allows players to upload custom skins in-game.
sofarProvides player emotes and an api to make the player model sit, lie down and perform other actions.
Ghost Crypt
group_fooSteal the treasure while avoiding ghosts.
Colored Chests
SkyBuilder1717Adds a colored chests!
1F616EMOSimply reject all login attempts and show them a message
Teleport Request
Traxie21Allows players to send a request to other players to teleport to them. Includes many more teleporting features.
SkinsDB for Hades Revisited
SFENCECustom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector for Hades Revisited
NodeCore Skins
Warr1024Custom player skins for NodeCore
player animation in water
GigaByteadds an animation when swimming
SokomineShared chests, doors, furnaces and signs - with keys
Jean's Economy
Jean3219Full Economy for Servers like, paying, individual bank statemants, daily rewards, easy api for modders, easy integration with other mods ...
Ham Radio
techniXRadio transmitters, beacons, and receivers
Ghost Block
Blocky PlayerAdds blocks that you can walk through. Build traps, hidden rooms and more!
GC Sprint
stellarorionA simple sprinting utility without the need for food consumption :^)
Unified API for in-game currency
1F616EMOUnified API for currency management
Inventory Admin
ImpulseEnables admins to manage the inventory of players.
SokomineEasy interface (GUI) for the areas/advanced_areas protection mod
ATM for Unified Money
1F616EMOTake your money into physical currency
DragonWranglerAllows server owners or server admin to start mob raids to attack settlements or players
player flying animation
GigaBytechange the player animation when flying
faction items
GigaByteadd some items to be used as prizes for special events or player achievements
1F616EMOInbox for items
Locked Travelnet
SokomineProtect travelnet stations with locks and/or passwords
City CommodityMarket
X5DragonfireAdds simple CommodityMarkets for city's towns etc.
Smartshop Payment with Unified Money
1F616EMOHandle smartshop payment digitally
MineClone2 UHC
AFCMUHC additions to MineClone2
For Sale Sign for Unified Money
1F616EMOArea Exchange with Unified Money System
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
Fareboxes and Faregates
1F616EMOSignal-emitting fareboxes and faregates
Top players
GigaByteAdds a kill, deaths, and kd counter to players.
SokomineRent an apartment with your own chests and furnaces close to spawn
AiTechEyeHide nametag while sneaking, or invisible