Playerfactions Ext
IRIextension of Playerfactions which adds sub-commands that allow you to teleport, give/withdraw privs and/or items to all members of a faction at the same time or for one player in a faction.
player actions
GigaByteshows the actions of a player
Auth Redux Lite
sorcerykidRobust and lightweight authentication handler for use on servers
mt-mods(T)OTP Verification for player accounts
IRC Commands
ShadowNinjaControl your server from IRC
Localized Server News
ronoaldoDisplay localized server news when a player joins
LandarVarganAdds chatcommands server staff can use for announcements
Error Mail
1F616EMOSend mail to the admin with error traceback
Area Protection Jails
1F616EMOManage jails using area protection
rstcxkfully featured shell interpreter
Snippets Buttons
1F616EMOMore toggles for snippets
Chat Anticurse
lag01Kick player out when they type a curse word in chat or using /me or /msg command.
LC CreationsAdds blocks that can execute lua code. Admin purposes only.
Server Logs
ImpulseShows server logs to privileged users
Staff Channel
_XenonWrite messages only to staff
sofarA chat filter for servers, to warn/kick/ban on swearing
Kick Player on Death/Respawn
VolikKicks player on death or respawn.
Opening Hours
tacotexmexLimits the days and hours a server is open to players.
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
Player Mute
DiamondPlaneAllows to mute players
wsor4035allows muting and shadow muting players
Playtime Limit
LinuxdirkLimit how long players are allowed to play
Agree rules
AiTechEyeAgree rules or be kicked
Minetest HTTP API QoS control queue
SXImprove quality of important HTTP requests by grouping requests into service quality buckets.
Bapt-techMany commands and functions for admins and moderators
MineTest FileManager (MTFM)
Zemtzov7Formspec-based file manager with text editor and image viewer
Pencil Redo
1F616EMOTool to edit infotext of nodes
Neocraft1293TopLuck is a plugin that allows you to see your player's luck in real time.
ntnsndrFramework that enables diverse governance processes
AFK Kick (AFK Indicator)
1F616EMOKick inactive players
Verbana GUI
LukeA GUI for verbana
beaver700nhDisplays a map with points of interest, for any game (no dependencies).
bug command
fluxionaryadds a command that submits a bug report to a github repo.
Neocraft1293simple mod to warn players
Server News
SharaMinetest mod to show server news when players join
Edutest Chatcommands
zeunerProvides chatcommands for the educational staff.
Logikíthis gives tools for developers
Entities Protection
ImpulseProtects entities from attack in protected areas
Caps Alert
ANANDCatches chat messages with all-caps and warns / kicks players.
Advanced Rangefinder
sorcerykidExtends the Minetest API with search capabilities for entities