Central Message
WuzzySimple API to show messages to the center of the screen to players.
Armor Monoid
ByakurenA player_monoids monoid for armor
mt-modspromise library
Common Mob Interface
ByakurenA standard modding interface for interacting with mobs
Formspec Library
LMDFormspec string builder & event handler callbacks
eklWIP Library for creating walking vehicles
Item Holders
Jose_ManuelS18Adds 'Item Holders', blocks that hold your items in display, also provides a API.
Simple Models
AntumDelugeVery simple models.
Chatcommand Library
LMDLibrary for registering chatcommands.
Player Settings
1F616EMOPlayer-specific settings
Fbt Core
ForburntA set of utils for other fbt_* mods
DSAdds an event for when player presses a key.
Noriel Sylvire's Minerals Core Modpack
Noriel_SylvireAn API for automatically registering recipes, nodes and ore generation.
LissoBoneBattle Royale-like game. Provides an API and a reference implementation. Highly radioactive. Work in progress.
LukeA library to make HUDs from formspecs
ByakurenA loot framework.
Scripted World Editor
NeuromancerAPI that allows you pass in scripting tables to fill a series of shapes of different sizes with different nodes
Just_VisitingAuto Collision/Selection Loading Boxes
theFoxDo you want to add story to your game? Make your protagonist write notes into his Journal.
Ediblestuff API
lazerbeak12345A unified API for making items, tools and armor edible. Eat armor while wearing it!
TPH's Doors API Redo
TPH(INTENDED FOR DEVELOPERS) Attempts to ease and better simplify door mechanics + registration
Smart Vector Table
NoodlemireAPI that adds a way to create tables indexed by 3D Vectors.
rstcxkfully featured shell interpreter
Minetest Teams
pl608simple multiplayer team system
Debugging Console
sorcerykidProvides an in-game HUD to easily monitor debug output
ApolloXLate-stage Security for Servers
Compression API
The4spaceconstantsAn API that provides functions to procedurally register compressed versions of nodes.
Weapons API
StixAdds an API to easily register custom weapons
Advanced Rangefinder
sorcerykidExtends the Minetest API with search capabilities for entities
Node Damage
NoodlemireEnables nodes to be partially damaged, and to be repaired afterwards.
LukeAPI to add new inventory tabs which work across different inventory mods
LCD Font
NazalassaA simple font for font_api
More vector helpers
Hybrid DogAdds more vector functions.
Minetest HTTP API QoS control queue
SXImprove quality of important HTTP requests by grouping requests into service quality buckets.
Minetest test framework
BuckarooBanzaiProvides an api to register test functions for integration-tests.
fluxionaryplayer_monoids that persist between player sessions and server restarts/crashes.
Natural Entities
nurd3A lightweight API for spawning random entities
Object UUIDs
Silver SandstoneAssigns a persistent UUID to every object.
Bitwise Operations
sorcerykidA pure-Lua implementation of common bit-manipulation functions
Advanced Chat
LMDA library for advanced chatting.