Item exchange shop
KrockProvides a simple exchange shop (currency compatible)
Global Bulletin Boards
FaceDeerAllows creation of global bulletin boards where players can post public messages
Global Market
AFCMMarket command
LunovoxProtection of land on payment of periodic rate.
Block Bomber Mg
MisterEBlockbomber as an arena_lib minigame
Auth Redux Lite
sorcerykidRobust and lightweight authentication handler for use on servers
Playtime Limit
LinuxdirkLimit how long players are allowed to play
Anti Exploit
LMDProtects against exploits
Interest for Unififed Money
1F616EMOGrow your assets over time
Server Lockdown
1F616EMOKeep non-admin players away during maintainence
Zemtzov7Allows to check and remove items from players' inventories
PvP Control
mike.monkeybiterAllow players to set their own ability to hurt or be hurt in PvP, by chat command or by pressure pads. Nametag colour changes to reflect status.
Death Swap
Jo5629_Switch places with someone random.
Agree rules
AiTechEyeAgree rules or be kicked
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
Jo5629_Track a friend or an enemy with this item.
ClydeBeam items or nodes from your inventory to the inventory of your friend.
Chat Games
ImpulseGet rewards for answering questions in the chat.
NodeCore Playertags
Kimaprnodecore playertags ported to other games
qPexLegendaryAdds local and global chat
Improved 3rd person (CTF)
fancyfinn9See and do more when you're in 3rd person! (Made for CTF)
LMDAdds fancy particle ghosts
Exile Snow Fun
TPHAdds throwable snowballs to Exile
Entities Protection
ImpulseProtects entities from attack in protected areas
Skyhell Together
KimaprPut all skyhell players on one shared island (NodeCore)
VPS Blocker
LejoBlock players using vpns, proxys or other hosting services
Temp Privs
ChimneySwiftOverwrites the default grant, grantme and revoke chatcommands to add revoke or grant expiration.
Red Pockets
1F616EMOHappy Chinese New Year! Give artificial red pockets to kids!
csirolliPlace bounties on players
1F616EMOPreventing confusable usernames
welcome color
GigaByteadds a welcome message in green with ramdom messages and a message when a player leaves in red
Teleport Anchor
1F616EMOFixed teleport destinations for survival players or adventure map makers
rstcxkcensors swears in the player chat using the filter++ liberary
mt-mods(T)OTP Verification for player accounts
AmazA mod that gives the interact priv to players who want it and who have agreed to the rules.
bryliePolite farts and burps.
NodeCore Chess
Warr1024Chess pieces for NodeCore.
Chat Games API
ImpulseAn API to build chatgames like those in the chatgames
Virtual Key
louisroyerAdds virtual keys registerers.
No Touch, Griefer!
ROllerozxaPer-IP interact privilege bans