empeeuMinigame where players seek a different block among a clutter of other blocks.
sofarA chat filter for servers, to warn/kick/ban on swearing
Offline Phantoms
KimaprPlayers leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
Key Combos
epCodeA lib for adding actions when certain keys are pressed in order.
CTF Info
Jo5629_Know what is happening in CTF in your world.
Admin mailing list and report
1F616EMOAdd mailing list for admins and moderators, and a report function
Proximity Chat
GreenXenithOnly hear chat from nearby players.
sorcerykidStopwatch is Lua-based benchmarking API for Minetest developers
Fruit Tree Framework
kronostaAdds a way to easily add fruit trees, and the ability to have saplings for any item through /giveme
Interchangeable Hands
octacianDemonstration of Minetest's capability to dynamically change the player hand.
LukeOfficialAdds road marks.
1F616EMOSend tips to newcomers
Cid Music Pack
eklA bunch of music for Cid Music Player
Minetest HTTP API QoS control queue
SXImprove quality of important HTTP requests by grouping requests into service quality buckets.
Position listeners library
karamelPlayers' position observing library
Unified Money Backend: SQLite3
1F616EMOStoring Unified Money data into a SQLite3 database
Dyeable Steel Blocks
nemokitty9Allows Players to dye Steel for decorative blocks.
Resource Crops Evolved
JoleshAdds new recipes for Resource Crops to make a progression through them possible
Signs Redux
sorcerykidSigns Redux is a complete rewrite of default signs that adds many new features
MathiasEconomy featuring a primitive supply and demand system for exchanging goods.
Chat Notification
MisnadPlays a notification sound to all player when a player sents a chat message.
fluxionaryan API to allow multiple sources to apply changes to a tools's capabilities.
Multitool Mod
thediamondlegoAdds a new tool that does the job of all the other tools(except hoe and screwdriver). Also has bouble the durability of a diamond tool!
Kill Button
niwla23Allows you to kill yourself from the UI
MT Block and Asset Pack
ClassicAdamVariety of blocks and other mesh nodes.
Inventory Manager
Flay KruneganAllows you to view and edit the inventory of the players
NodeCore 1 slot mod
Fanticwormakes Nodecore 8 times harder by removing 7 slots from your inventory
Grant interact on chat
1F616EMOGrant newcomers interact only after they speak
Pirate Story
theFoxa story about a wannabe pirate
Cid Music Player
eklPlays music
NodeCore Playertags
Kimaprnodecore playertags ported to other games
Level API
Hume2A library for games to load levels defined as schematics
Electric Screwdriver
skiscratcherA supplement to screwdriver, to speed up placing blocks in a repetitive way
Prejoin Messages
GregonNotifies players when a player starts connecting to the server
Advanced Breath and Health APIS
liteninglazerCreates APIS to allow different players to heal health and allow different players to breathe different items.
Pattern Blocks/festive Blocks
Eternal_plasmaAdds New Bright Blocks
MadKamel's Random Mod
MadKamelA collection of random items and ideas.
Minetest Emotions
ResendeTechAdds new feelings in the form of blocks
golden lava
GigaByteadd golden lava
Autograph Mod
Jo5629_Autograph Mod