Chat Tools
theFoxchat commands that people might need
Zemtzov7Execute commands on behalf of another player
filter++ lib
rstcxkprovides an API for filtering text
ntnsndrFramework that enables diverse governance processes
Proximity Chat
GreenXenithOnly hear chat from nearby players.
fluxionaryverification and banning
Send Stack
ChimneySwiftAdds a command to send the stack you are holding to another player (requires ban priv)
One For All
mt-modsbans all players if one dies
lag01Complements game built-in chat or replaces it.
canonical name
fluxionaryapi to get the proper capitalization of a name
Matterbridge Player Events
cj_clippySends a message to the matterbridge when a player joins/parts
Drop The Caps
cheapieKicks players that spew all-caps messages
Anti Lava Area
1F616EMOgive admin power to anti lava in some region.
TX MinerA shopping mod for Jean's Economy (By TX_Miner aka Xeno333)
sorcerykidAn assortment user-customizable presents for special occasions
niwla23Players can set their info and others can see it
Time and Date Stamps
Bob64This mod overrides the default chat format so that it also contains the date and time that the message was sent.
Mining Game
chaosomniumA simple base game where you mine mud for ores probabilistically in space.