SXProvides API to register node metadata tools along with few useful tools
More Upgrade Packs
nolombicUpgrade your upgrade packs so you can have even higher stats!
Just_VisitingAdds fun rocks to bring new life to your survival and creative creations!
kevinsAdds an API and tool to generate random names for NPCs, mobs, and places.
Cartographer for Minetest Game
Hugues RossAdds regional maps that you can craft and place (Minetest Game version)
Card deck
mijutuDeck of cards and table blocks
New Campfire
mt-modsYou can craft and use better campfire.
Cube Mobs
XanthusAdds various cube mobs with different abilities using mobkit.
New Horizons
Hi_WorldAdds 4 new biomes and TONS of new blocks!
TruemmererAdd Cement Blocks with unifieddyes support
Scythes & Sickles
TestificateModsAdds scythes and sickles with unique applications for farming
Poly Decor
mt-modsMy spin on decorative stuff.
CalebJParticle driven fireworks.
Echoes91Adds spears, versatile weapons that can be thrown.
TruemmererWrite in the Chat as the server
Industrial Mese
LinuxdirkCraft and use industrial Mese
AidanLCBAdds super overpowered and expensive endgame tools, armor, weapons, and blocks
Aurora Tech
AurailusUnique and powerful gadgets and utilites.
Advanced Weapons
LMDAdds a variety of advanced weapons.
Edible Swords
GamingAssociation39Edible Swords
Advanced Lightsabers
ElCeejoRelatively Advanced Lightsabers for Minetest Game.
SoloSniperAdds obsidian tools and armour
Configuration Panel
sorcerykidAPI extension that allows seamless loading of mod configuration at runtime
Batch Screwdriver
niwla23With this you can rotate all nodes in a row at once
Chat Filter
xXNicoXxMinetest Chat Filter a simple but usefull minetest chatfilter mod made by xXNicoXx
Aqua Farming
ClydeFarming under Water, now it's possible.
City Block II
sorcerykidDisables use of water and lava buckets within a designated area
Sleeping Mat
kestralSimple sleeping mat made out of grass.
Realistic Delta Hang Glider
CBugDCoderAdd realistic moving delta hang gliders
ExtexAdds various coloured motorbikes
Toolranks Extras
louisroyerExtends toolranks support.
Torch Bomb
FaceDeerPlace torches throughout your entire surroundings with a torch bomb
Minor Redefinitions
LinuxdirkChanges smaller things that are issues for either Luanti or Minetest Game that are technically fixable but won’t be fixed due to several non-technical reasons.
HerkulesAdds an elevator and elevatorrails.
Mtg Craft Reverser
Hugues RossMakes crafting recipes in Minetest Game reversible
Craft Table
BrunoMineAdd Craft Table
Macro Crafting Manager
sorcerykidMacro Crafting Manager provides a streamlined drag-and-drop interface for dividing and arranging item stacks within the craft-grid
Chat History
sorcerykidInteractive chat history viewer with a variety of message filtering options
OgelGamesAdds portable powerbanks used to charge technic tools
Ham Radio
techniXRadio transmitters, beacons, and receivers