Lolzsickacore 64x
Lolzsicka64x texture pack for nodecore.
NodeCore Beacons
Warr1024Long-distance navigation beacons for NodeCore
Nodecore Paint
KimaprPaint anything on node surfaces
NodeCore CatRealm
Warr1024Adds a cat-themed dimension with unique ores and over-powered tools
NodeCore Chess
Warr1024Chess pieces for NodeCore.
NodeCore SkyRealm
Warr1024SkyBlocks inside vanilla NodeCore
lizzieA minimalistic approach to enabling the game of go in nodecore.
NodeCore Nature: Revised
Warr1024Updated, fixed, enhanced edition of Winter94's NodeCore Nature
NodeCore Snakes
KimaprSneaky snakes in NodeCore!
NodeCore Stairs
Warr1024Adds an assortment of stairs and slabs to NodeCore
NodeCore ZipRunes
Warr1024Gameplay-integrated fast-travel system for NodeCore.
NodeCore Skins
Warr1024Custom player skins for NodeCore
NodeCore Cats
Warr1024Add adorable cats to NodeCore
Dais Ex Machina
Warr1024An other-worldly platform to preserve some of your stuff across map resets for NodeCore
Warr1024Safety net against falling off your island
NodeCore Force Lode
Warr1024In-game force-loading anchor for NodeCore.
NodeCore Vanilla Pack
Warr1024NodeCore's Default Textures, as a Texture Pack