NodeCore Additional Content
Winter94Ask and Ye Shall Recieve (Multiple Small Additions Requested in NC Documentation )
NodeCore Fossil
Winter94Discover fossils, oil, natural gas, amber, and more!
NodeCore Luminous Tools
Winter94New light sources for NodeCore
NC More Storage
Winter94Adds More Storage Containers to NodeCore
NodeCore Adamant: Revised
Winter94Adds Adamant, a new metal ore, deep underground/
NC Reactor Meltdown
Winter94A new challenge, with serious implications...
NodeCore Plumbum
Winter94Plumbum, the best radiation protection the earth can provide!
NodeCore EP9x
Warr1024Textures via Pixel Art Scaling Algorithm
NodeCore Bugs
Winter94Adds A Variety Of Bugs To NodeCore
NodeCore Naturae: Revised and Revamped
Winter94The Latest and Greatest Version of NodeCore Nature, with updated code from Warr1024!
NodeCore Crystals
Winter94Adds various crystal types to Nodecore
WC Strata
Winter94Exploring the NodeCore underground has never been more colorful.
NodeCore SeaLife
Winter94Adds Biodiversity to NodeCore Seas & Rivers
NodeCore Vuga
Winter94Generates Vuga Underground.
WinterCore -Dwemer-
Winter94Dwemer Themed 32x32 Nodecore textures by Wintersknight
NodeCore Steam: Resurrected
Winter94Adds Steam & Basic Steam Behavior To NodeCore
NodeCore CatRealm
Warr1024Adds a cat-themed dimension with unique ores and over-powered tools