NodeCore Cats
Warr1024Add adorable cats to NodeCore
NodeCore SkyRealm
Warr1024SkyBlocks inside vanilla NodeCore
NodeCore Naturae: Revised and Revamped
Winter94The Latest and Greatest Version of NodeCore Nature, with updated code from Warr1024!
NC Reactor Meltdown
Winter94A new challenge, with serious implications...
NC More Storage
Winter94Adds More Storage Containers to NodeCore
WinterCore -Dark-
Winter94Dark and bold textures for NodeCore by WintersKnight94
NC Steam
Winter94Adds new mechanics to Nodecore, such as steam power and dynamic water
NodeCore Adamant: Revised
Winter94Adds Adamant, a new metal ore, deep underground/
NC Pumbob
Winter94adds carvable and sealable pumice bobbers/floaters
NodeCore Coal
Winter94Adds 3 ores of coal to NodeCore.
NC Vulcan
Winter94Reworks Magma Generation in NodeCore.
Winter94A stark and detailed texture pack for NodeCore
NodeCore Skyhell
KimaprThe ultimate skyblock challenge
NodeCore Adamant
Winter94Adds Adamant, a new metal ore, deep underground/
The Road (NC)
Winter94This is a port of thelowerroad for NodeCore that adds a long road from -Z to +Z to the world, during world-generation.
NodeCore Lignite
Winter94Adds Lignite, an ore of coal. Now outdated, please use NodeCore Coal instead. See Below.