SharpNet Photo Realism 64px
SharpikIt's Photo Realism pack with few mod support.
Texture Pack Plastic
josegamestestPlastic texture pack
Standart Textures (64px)
PuddingA 2D texturepack, made with gimp
Q3A Style Crosshairs for Minetest
GrimLokThese are replacement crosshairs designed to be similar, not exactly the same as the Quake III Arena crosshairs.
Mesecons Lab Cursor
NameNotQualityThe cursor from Mesecons Lab
STG Texture Pack (Test version)
mtvisitorA simple texture pack for STG Local Testing. (128+px)
debiankaiosIt's adding texture, not the best.
Lolzsickacore 64x
Lolzsicka64x texture pack for nodecore.