Silver SandstoneAdds deepslate and related building materials.
Clay Bricks
AwesomeDragon97Adds colorful clay bricks.
Extra Banners
1F616EMOColored variant of large banner
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
HorkaAdded ancient architectural blocks from the Mediterranean
MT Expansion
GamingAssociation39An expansion for MTG
Doors without window
TarasArtAdds doors and trapdoors without windows to Minetest Game
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
Raw Ore Blocks
Silver SandstoneAdds block forms of metal lumps.
X17Adds chains to climb or decorate
Procedural Furniture
the_raven_262Creates furniture collections
Titanic Mod
auto.umdenkenadds several nodes in the style of the RMS TITANIC
GamingAssociation39Additional blocks for decoration/building
Cones: Traffic and Training Cones
ClassicAdamCones. Various use traffic cones and training cones. 3 sizes, 10 colors, 30 cones in total.
Nathan.SLets you put up decorative walls around your gardens, and make pretty hardscapes.
Etherium Stuff
alerikaisatteraDecorative stuff using ethereal's etherium dust
JuriAdds some blocks that look like presents.
More mclx_fences
dougsouza26Adds fences and fence gates with bark textures for logs and hyphae.
CalebJStaffs with various uses
File Cabinets
danil_2461Adds the file cabinets from Windows.
NB More Concrete
NameNotQualityAdds more concrete to NodeCore
Definition Ripper
Warr1024Generate inert facades from node/item definitions for use in other games
Luka's Blocks
Luka22rAdds a range of new blocks to your world for even more customizability!
Display Modpack
mt-modsProvides mods with dynamic display and font display: clocks, signs, and more.
Wilhelmines Living Desert
LiilAdds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
GhaydnAdds trees, grass and ores to PilzAdam's Nether
dibesfer🎨 21 colorful biomes to explore, much more than 256 colorful nodes to create whatever you imagine. 🌈
BlockAssault MapMaker
LogikíThis game is focused to make maps for BlockAssault [BA.S]
Colored Concrete
NiklpColored concrete in 16 different colors
Candles 3D
mazesPlace candles in world. Add, remove or taint candles from placed nodes
Decorations Sea
mt-modsAdds many new types of seaweed, kelp, corals and other sea decorations, distributed across biomes
EmilianoA package with some elements and compounds
ExtexAdds a variety of Plaster blocks for building.
Paintings Library
JoeEndermanA simple paintings library for MTG and potentially others in future.
Mcl Polished Stone Stairs
erleAdds polished stone stairs to MineClone2/MineClone5/Mineclonia
AntumDelugeEnhances default glass to make it colorable.
Colored Meselamps
devurandomAdds colored versions of meselamps, craftable with dyes
Cottage and Medieval Decorations
1F616EMODecorations that fit to medieval settlements and small cottages
Simple streetlight spawner
mt-modsAdds various streetlight "spawners" (5m tall, supports multiple pole materials and light sources)