Edit Skin
Johannes FritzAdvanced player skin customization
bell07Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
Capture the Flag
rubenwardyTwo or more teams battle to snatch and return the enemy flags, before the enemy takes their own!
Protector Redo
TenPlus1Lets players craft special blocks to protect their builds or disable PVP in areas.
MisterEBattle your friends for power-ups and be the last blocker standing! A Multiplayer Bomberman clone.
Skygen v2
the_raven_262Adds the biome adaptive sky, sky-changing server-wide events and a skybox frontend.
Block League
ZughyS4 League inspired shooter minigame
giov4There's a murderer between us...
stuSee the items other players are holding
FleckensteinShow a list of all online players (similar to minecrafts tab-list) when a player is sneaking.
Capture the flag (ctf) 16px
riptiderazorSimplistic texturepack for ctf based on WINNI's miner16px made for visibility , performance and good looks .
Mineclonia Get Comfortable
rudzik8Sit and lay using chat commands (/sit and /lay) and by right-clicking blocks in Mineclonia, from VoxeLibre
ShadowNinjaAreas is a advanced area protection mod based on node_ownership.
Inventory Pouches
ImpulseAdds inventory pouches.
Visible Wielditem
LMDShows your wielditem
prestidigitatorAllows players to set displayed and queryable pronouns for themselves.
Fancy Vend
ChimneySwiftA full-featured, fully-integrated vendor mod for Minetest
Fantasy Brawl
giov4Class-based fighting minigame. Choose your class, prepare your skills and defeat them all!
Bas080Anables users to get a pathogen.
mt-modsProvides shops, barter tables, safes, and multiple denominations of currency, called "Minegeld". Originally written by Dan Duncombe, but maintained by me.
Zemtzov7Colorable railgun using raycast and particles
Doors Redo
TenPlus1Doors mod with lock tool to open, lock or protect any registered door.
Random Teleport
Droog71Allows players to teleport to a random location using the /rtp command.
smartshop (flux's fork)
fluxionarya smarter and easier shop
Death Messages
EvergreenSends a chat message when a player dies
mt-modsIngame mail-system
Players Statistics
AtlanteAdds in-game statistics with the /stats (player_name) command Which displays the Playtime, number of messages, kills, deaths [...]
Smart Shop
AiTechEyeSmart and easy shop
Chat Log
AntumDelugeSave chat history.
Mesecons Onlinedetector
AFCMAdd online detector to mesecons
Simple protection
KrockFixed-grid quadratic area protection mod with graphical area "minimap"
Last Login Signs
fgazAdds signs that show the last login of players that right-clicked them
Realistic Player Names
ExtexGives players realistic names when they join, great for role-playing servers!!
SonoMicheleImproves private messages and makes them more customizable
Minetest Discord Webhook
activivanMirror your in-game chat to Discord using webhooks
Discord-Minetest Relay
archfan7411Mod + external program providing Discord relaying and commands.
Whiter List
AntumDelugeRestrict server access to only whitelisted players
octacianMessage offline players
Simple Skins
TenPlus1Allows players to set their individual skins from a list or custom.
SokomineConfigurable mobs/NPC which can trade for you.