Chat Translator
Droog71Translates chat messages in Minetest using LibreTranslate.
Cloud Storage
1F616EMOCommand-based Parcel Locker
Kick voting
lag01Allow players to vote to make life of selected griefers and especially agressive players harder.
localhostVerification/authorization via Fediverse based on (t)otp
LejoA Report System to manage player reporting use /reportlist to view reports
Anti Join
DiamondPlaneStops players from joining
1F616EMOCreate logging functions for mods easily
World Folder Media
MisterEAllows you to load textures and sounds from the world folder.
Settings Loader
1F616EMOLoad or reload settings easily
Signal_A skin system that allows players to upload custom skins in-game.
TenPlus1Add invisible barrier, light and mob wall into game with new tool
Spawn Command
LogikíAdds /spawn and /city to your world, you can set places ingame without restarting the server
Jafa Command Assistant
Jafacakes10This is to assist anyone with commands in game. It adds commands such as /day, /admin and /fly to make your experience easier.
LukeAllows admins to become invisible and appear as if they are not in-game at all.
cronvelManage respawn points, interesting places, teleportation and death records
Admin Toys
wilkgr76Tools for admins to have fun with cheating and otherwise rule-breaking players
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
Inventory Admin
ImpulseEnables admins to manage the inventory of players.
Nebula Admin
JoinNebulaIn-game administrator control panel/dashboard/configuration editor
Area Protection Jails
1F616EMOManage jails using area protection
Minetest HTTP API QoS control queue
SXImprove quality of important HTTP requests by grouping requests into service quality buckets.
Advanced Rangefinder
sorcerykidExtends the Minetest API with search capabilities for entities
JuriAdds an HUD which shows some performance stats.
Mese Restriction
mt-modsMinetest mod: restrict mesecons use to priv
Mob Limiter
Neuromancerremoves mobs over max count near players with configurable settings
Mesecons Snippet Button
1F616EMOExecute snippets with Mesecons
rstcxkfully featured shell interpreter
SkyBuilder1717Adds an chroma blocks for videos or photoshop.
Bapt-techMany commands and functions for admins and moderators
/giveme itemname completion
Hybrid DogAutocompletion of item names for the /giveme chat command
Server News
SharaMinetest mod to show server news when players join
WilLiam12Tools for server admins to ban and kick bad players.
Playerfactions Ext
IRIextension of Playerfactions which adds sub-commands that allow you to teleport, give/withdraw privs and/or items to all members of a faction at the same time or for one player in a faction.
Blood Bane Sword
Blocky PlayerOP sword for moderators. In memory of an old teacher, who had a mod similar to this on a private server.
2-Factor Authentication
sofarAdds server and player email confirmation to add an extra layer of security (2FA)
LC CreationsAdds blocks that can execute lua code. Admin purposes only.
Snippets Buttons
1F616EMOMore toggles for snippets
Localized Server News
ronoaldoDisplay localized server news when a player joins
ApolloXLate-stage Security for Servers
Server Logs
ImpulseShows server logs to privileged users