Termoslua mapgen featuring tropical islands and vast ocean
Mapgen with Rivers
Gaël de SaillyMap generator focused on realistic rivers and landscapes, using physical equations.
Experimental Villages Mapgen
NoreChanges the way ores are placed, add new biomes and villages.
srifqi(Yet Another) Superflat Map Generator: Customize world generation layer by layer
Universal geometry realm
paramatCreate worlds of varying shapes
MisterEMandeland- a landscape carved by the mandelbrot fractal
FeufochmarA map generator generating single-biome islands inside glass spheres.
ROllerozxaCustom skygrid mapgen.
VoxeLibre Skyblock
ancientmarinerSkyblock for VoxeLibre
BuckarooBanzaicity mapgenerator
MisterEAn easy-to-use api for lua mapgens that takes the pain out of mapgen coding. Focus on mapgen logic, not on voxelmanipulation.
Magma Conduits
FaceDeerRemoves default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
Karst Caverns
MisterEA cavern generator that creates complex karst cavern systems, with rooms interconnected by multilevel tunnels. Experience the joy of caving.
paramatA river / mountain range mapgen
Mistere's Adventure Map Island Creator
MisterEA 1000x1000 canvas for your imagination
NodeCore Skyhell
KimaprThe ultimate skyblock challenge
voxelmanip experiments and remade math mandelbox mapgen
chaosomniumVoxelmanip mapgen with strange layered zone experimental mapgens.
The Confluence
MisterEA luamap example - a small (500x100x500) Island in the middle of the ocean with 4 rivers that run from the center to the sea.
Mineclone Better End
TX MinerMake the end better in Mineclonia and Mineclone!
Mapgen Superflat
DragonWranglerMakes your world super flat
Cave Generator
NoordstarA custom cave generator engine
Valleys Mapgen
Gaël de SaillyA map generator with valleys, rivers, mountains and many plants.
FaceDeerA mod that creates vast underground caverns and allows biomes to be defined for them
Example Lua mapgen
ROllerozxaA basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
Spawn Builder
WuzzyGenerates a stone platform below the world origin or static spawn point.
AmazA mapgen with a goal, with things needed to advance to the next level.